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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Publicis Groupe Essay
1.What exercises did Maurice Levy gained from the fizzled FCB coalition? As indicated by Maurice Levy, the most significant thing he gained from the disappointment of the coalition with FCB is the need to manufacture a collusion not just founded on a decent connection between the supervisors yet in addition on a solid legitimate structure. Truth be told, the relationship Maurice made with FCB’s chiefs was for the most part casual. Maurice and FCB’s CEO met just multiple times and the union was more a synergistic course of action than a genuine understanding. The creator portrays it as a coalition which â€Å"intended to be something other than a handshake†however with no concurrence on the structure of the arrangement, the partnership appears to be for the most part to depend on the managers’ relationship. Actually, in the following procedure of acquisitions, Levy not just met the administrators a few times, he had likewise exceptional gatherings with the CFOs where they attempt to agree about the structure of the arrangement and the structure of the organization after the obtaining. F or on the other hand model, for Saatchi and Saatchi procurement, Maurice worked out the subtleties of the obtaining with the CFO Bill Codhrat and they talk about all the lawful focuses to embrace to confront the future occasions which could influence the two organizations after the securing. They went through about fourteen days taking a shot at the structure of the arrangement, settling each detail under the steady gaze of calling attorneys. After the fizzled FCB union, the legal advisors got crucial during the time spent securing. The second exercise he gained from this bombed partnership is the means by which significant are the intrigue that individuals have in the securing. A coalition comprises in two organizations getting one and the supervisors of the two firms need to understand this principal point. After the securing, they have to have the enthusiasm of the two organizations at the top of the priority list to make an effective firm. So as to set aside managers’ consciences in next acquisitions, Maurice Levy originally invested a great deal of energy making a solid relationship with the firms’ CEOs, attempting to comprehend what their identity was, what they needed and how they could consolidate the enthusiasm of the two organizations. For instance, in Saatchi and Saatchi’s procedure of procurement, the two CEOs concurred on the way that they needed to keep the two tasks separate so as to ensure their own customer. In other words, they attempted not exclusively to fabricate a solid relationship dependent on trust yet in addition to settle a structure so as to secure the key enthusiasm of the two organizations after the obtaining.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Evidence Based Nursing Research
Question: Talk about the nursing plan for Emma utilizing proof Based practice model. Answer: Nursing plan for Emma utilizing Evidence-Based Practice model: Emma is 75 years of age lady. She was determined to have colorectal disease. The concerned specialist had exhorted for the medical procedure. At that point she will be sent for additional treatment like chemotherapy, radiotherapy. In the wake of watching Emmas wellbeing condition, the specialist has arranged the treatment. A colon medical procedure was performed here. Emma reacted well with the medical procedure. At that point specialist exhorted her to remain in the home for a quarter of a year. Following three months her further medications will be begun. In these three months, it is vital for Emma to be more advantageous with the goal that she can give great reaction to the treatment. At present, she has discharged effectively from the clinic. Presently the medical caretakers are refereed for homecare administrations for these three months. Subsequently, the nursing plan is applied utilizing Evidence-Based Practice model. In this specific article, this model will be examined by ta king this model. Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model: The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model is a ground-breaking way to deal with take care of the issue in clinical dynamic. It is related with easy to use apparatuses to manage gathering or individual in their professional use. It is structured so that it can meet the nursing needs by utilizing a procedure called PET (Buysse et al., 2012). This procedure incorporates three stages: interpretation, proof and practice question. The principle point of this model is to guarantee that prescribed procedures or research discoveries ought to be fused in tolerant consideration in proper and snappy way. Select Interprofessional Team: This is the initial phase in this procedure. The group ought to be made so that the patient could remain securely in her home. Individuals put and show enthusiasm for tending to a particular practice. In any case, in group they work all the more successfully. The specialist is the key part motel this group, as he is answer of the patient and her concern. Different partners of this group incorporate medical attendants, families, dietician, doctor, drug specialist and patient (Hall Roussel, 2012). Creating EBP question: This is the subsequent stage. The PICO component will be appliedto the inquiries. In PICO, P-populace/persistent, I-mediation/marker, C-comparator/control, O-result. As for this situation, the patient has experienced colon disease, o the expressed inquiry will be as indicated by her circumstance (Townsend, 2014). How incessant is colon disease in females? In patients with colon disease in first stage, do the eatable medications, contrasted with no chemotherapy, diminish the recurrencerate? What will be the results of chemotherapy for the patients over 75? In these three months, which all things shoud be dealt with? What will be the eating routine for these three months? Extent of EBP: The patient here is related to colorectal malignant growth. This malignant growth shows up because of the anomalous development of cells in the colon. As indicated by the measurable investigation, in 2012, this is the second most disease in ladies. One million of individuals ge influenced by this disease consistently. It results around 715,000 passings (Schneider Whitehead, 2013). This disease happens because of numerous reasons, similar to issues in epithelial cells coating the gastrointestinal tract. It likewise causes because of heredity, way of life. The treatment of this disease incorporates medical procedure, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment. Duty of Team Members: For this situation, the patient has released securely and to send her home with the goal that she can be set up for future treatment. In light of this situation, the colleagues are chosen. The specialist is the key part in his group. He knows the issue. His obligation will be to get the data of the patient on fifteen days interim. He ought to likewise impart this information to other colleagues. The medical attendants will be given the patient. The obligation of the medical caretaker will be watching the patient for nonstop. The attendants will deal with her meds, diet, and dressing (Gone, 2013). They can likewise help in palliative consideration. The obligation of the dieticians will be to furnish with the ideal eating regimen outline as per her current condition. The dietician ought to likewise update the eating regimen while her visit to specialist. Doctors duty will be to perform distinctive clinical tests if necessary. Drug specialists will deal with the medications. On the off chance that any progressions are made, at that point the drug specialists will overhaul with the right medicine with legitimate portion. The drug specialist will likewise give the information about the medication. Relatives will deal with everything. Their primary obligation is to offer help to the patient both intellectually and genuinely. In this entire group, the patient has more obligations. She should reaction with all the gave medications. She should take the difficulties and take part effectively (Aveyard Sharp, 2013). She ought to likewise help out the other colleagues for better treatment. Interior/External Search for Evidence and Appraisal of Evidence: The colleagues will scan for the confirmations for this case. These confirmations incorporate both outside and inner information. These confirmations comprise of clinical practices subsequent meet-ups in these three months, quality improvement information, administrative, security or hazard the board information. This data will be inward confirmations. They can count these information with other expert associations of individual divisions. They additionally can take the assessments of interior and outside wellbeing specialists (Polit Beck, 2012). These confirmations additionally incorporate network gauges, staff and patient reviews and fulfillment information. In the evaluation level, these non-research and research confirmations will be assessed by applying non-explore proof examination device and research proof evaluation device. In this device, various inquiries will be posed. In this situation, the inquiries will be founded on the three months arranging treatment after release. A t that point, in view of those inquiries the gathered confirmations will be evaluated as low-major, great or high blemishes. Fromm this evaluation, the colleagues will be persuaded to keep up the quality and level (Kearon et al., 2012). Sum up the proof and combination of in general quality: For this situation, the group will numerically sum up the appropriate responses of the confirmations in levels from 1-5. The applicable discoveries of each answer of EBP question will be written in outline for next level (McDonald et al., 2014). Through blend process, the group will make the quality and quality of the gathered proof by taking the contemplations in relevance to the setting and populace, consistency of finding the confirmations, quality and level. This will drive the emotional and target procedure of the treatment. Suggestions for Change Based on Evidence: In light of the blend of the proof and by and large evaluation, the group will structure potential pathways to make an interpretation of the proof into training. There are four regular pathways, which will propose building up the further suggestions (DiCenso et al., 2014). In this specific case, confirmations were acceptable with reliable outcomes that help a training change. In light of this the progressions will be done in the situation. Activity plan: The group speaks with various partners and specialist related with this specific case to know whether the change is solid match, proper or doable for that setting. They inspect the advantages and dangers of the actualized proposals. For instance, for this situation the group will talk with the radiologists in regards to the dosages of the radiotherapy. They will counsel in regards to the patients response with the treatment in this age. In the wake of checking on these suggestions, the group will build up a training intend to execute into the training (Laska et al., 2014). A rule or convention will be created dependent on the EBP questions, which had asked previously. The colleagues will set a course of events of a quarter of a year. The input of this procedure will be taken from different partners, clinicians or association pioneers. To actualize the activity the group needs to deal with budgetary, material and HR in thought. For this situation, the radiation treatment and chemother apy will be exorbitant. Along these lines, the group needs to focus on that. The fruitful usage will be performed by supporting one another and working intently. Subsequent stage will be the last execution of the arrangement. Before actualizing, all the colleagues and different partners and staffs, who are related with this case, will be imparted orally and verbally. They all will be associated with the reports in regards to the execution (Carr McNulty, 2014). During this execution, the colleagues experience to answer all the difficulty shoot issues and questions. Assessing Outcomes and Reporting Outcomes: The results of the execution will be recorded. These results will be counted with the appropriate responses in the inquiry improvement instrument. The assessment of the results will be chosen with the degree to how much these results came to. As for this situation, the positive results have recorded. This meets a great part of the reactions in the inquiry improvement device (Rubin, 2012). It encourages the group to build up the certainty level more. In the event that in the event that, any negative results will b watched, at that point the group needs to adjust the changes. Presently the group will speak with different partners and sets up related with this case and report session the results. The group likewise can include the significant criticisms made by those individuals. It will assist with increasing more information in this training. Recognizable proof of Next Step: Subsequent to assessing the procedure, the colleagues will make sense of the following stage. For this situation, the radiotherapy treatment has made arrangements for a quarter of a year. Accordingly, after this execution, the colleagues will see the changes. As per that further treatment will be made sense of (Hurlburt et al., 2014). The progressions will be made in the wake of doing lo
Monday, July 6, 2020
Can Beneficiary Swap Salvage Sinking 529 Plan
What started out in late 2007 and early 2008 as concern for some parents and grandparents as they watched balances sink on their 529 college savings plans evolved into widespread panic by the end of 2008. "College funding and 529 plan anxiety ranks among the largest concerns of parents," says Brad Lazarus, who runs Chicago-based Omega Advisors, an hourly, as-needed financial planning firm. "Parents are extremely distressed by the crisis in the markets." It's no wonder: 529s typically comprise a significant percentage of a family's net worth. Adding to the angst: "Many people were trying to squeeze the last little bit of return on their money before selling off, even though college was next fall or a year away," says Ray Lucia, CFP, and host of a daily Business Talk Radio Network show. Could changing the beneficiary on a 529 plan be the answer? Those with leftover funds in a 529 after paying for a child's education rarely think twice about changing the beneficiary to avoid the tax consequences of cashing out the account. Making a younger child beneficiary of the 529 could provide time to recoup losses before spending that money. Lazarus says it's similar to pre-retirees delaying retirement day. "There aren't any costs or fees or tax consequences to change the beneficiary," says Robert Fierman, CFP, senior vice president of Raymond James & Associates. Some 529 plans do only allow one beneficiary switch per year, though. Considering a switch In Todd W. Sivak's experience as a CFP for Integrated Financial Solutions in Wisconsin, people view 529s, "as a means to help fund education for all of their children" and should understand going in that they have the flexibility to make a lateral beneficiary change to a younger sibling. Sivak knows of some parents considering paying out of pocket for their first child's education and allocating funds to the youngest child in order to "buy time" and hope for a value comeback. But considering isn't necessarily doing. "This is happening far less than one thinks simply because most parents try to treat their children equally and can't bring themselves to sacrifice one child's education for the sake of another," says Lee Rosenberg, CFP, co-founder of ARS Financial Services, based in Long Island, N. Y., and a blogger for "It's like taking bread out of one child's mouth to feed another. It may come up in conversation, but implementation is a very different matter." Still, it could be a good idea. "No one likes to work hard to save for a future goal only to see that investment account be reduced by 40 percent or more," says Sivak. "If they can delay withdrawing funds and give the account time to come back with the market, it's both a financial and mental win." The actual process for switching the designated beneficiary is simple as well, and can be done by completing a form on hard copy or online, says Joe Hurley, CPA, founder of In terms of qualifying for financial aid, he adds that switching to a younger sibling shouldn't make a difference under federal rules -- although it wouldn't hurt to check with the college if that decision has been made, "to see if (its) interpretation would allow the younger sib's 529 to be kept out of parent assets on the older sib's FAFSA." And as for the new beneficiary there's, "a rather extended list of who qualifies," says Fierman, citing not just siblings but also cousins, stepfathers, nieces, etc. The new beneficiary might also be a nonfamily member, but that switch could affect taxes. (If the account has no gains, the owner could avoid a 10 percent penalty as well as income tax consequences, he says). Cautions and drawbacks Sound like a plan? Not so fast, advisers say. "The fact remains that the financial markets are down nearly 50 percent from their highs," says Lazarus. So despite a beneficiary change, the shortfall in assets would still be there. Yes, the younger child would be in better shape, but then the parents are, "responsible for contributing more for the older child in a shorter period of time. It will create a strain on the finances, regardless of who the beneficiary is today. It is essentially switching dollars from your left hand to your right." Another reality, notes Steven J. Bloch, CFP, managing partner of California-based MHB Financial Group, is that switching beneficiaries at a time when the account has lost value can work against you, especially if you've chosen an age-based investment for the younger child. That "would actually expose you to a more equity-heavy portfolio, which is currently viewed as much riskier." Sivak points to a few "what-if's" as additional drawbacks. The new beneficiary may decide not to attend school, or may receive a scholarship and not "need" the funds. The rules of the game regarding 529s could also change and mean less flexibility or more negative tax implications. Don't forget, too, that tuition costs are rising, Sivak says, so the purchasing power of the account could be reduced (that's "could be" and not "would be" because the younger the new beneficiary, the more opportunity for growth that might offset the higher tuition). For those scared away from a beneficiary switch, there are other options: Take the loss: Sivak says this option is beginning to get the attention of those whose plan balances are underwater from the original contribution amounts. The remaining dollars can be invested outside of the 529 plan. Frank J. Ruffing, CFP, of Farragut Resources in Virginia, says closing the plan and booking the loss "as an itemized deduction on the owner's taxes is the most compelling solution" he's seeing. "For owners who funded the plans aggressively, for two kids, it meant a $90,000 write-off in one case I've seen." (Ruffing has generally been counseling clients to stop funding 529 plans and save outside.) For 529 plans funded by gifts from grandparents, Bloch says it's not uncommon to be considering putting the money from a 529 plan that's below principal into an investment that would protect the principal (provided a suitably "safe" investment doesn't exist within the plan), then when the market seems to be on the upswing, taking advantage of the five-year gift exception to pu t the money back into the plan. Wait for a market recovery: Fierman says this is the best strategy for when college is still a while off. Thomas Bates, CFP, owner of Thomas R. Bates, CFP, LLC in Ohio, has a similar recommendation, provided the first tuition payment is five years away or more. Bloch says one strategy that could potentially work here is to, "overfund an older child's account, gain the power of compounding, and shift a portion of the overfunding to the younger child before the eldest child begins college." It would be like getting a head start on the younger child's education fund, he says, adding that it's not simply the time horizon but the underlying investments in the account that will be a key to recouping losses. Use other assets for current college bills: Fierman suggests looking to CDs, bonds and money markets that have held up well to fund the first few years of expenses. "If college expenses are paid for now with other assets, the owner has until December of the next tax year to pull money out of the 529 to reimburse themselves. This at least gives almost two years for the account to begin to recover." The hope, then, would be that for the last few years of college the account funds could cover tuition expenses. Decision time Still thinking a beneficiary switch is the best option for your family, or that you may need to do it down the road? Lazarus advises parents to take advantage of the long-term lows in the market now. But the key is to immediately invest once the assets land in the new beneficiary's account. "The worst thing that can happen would be selling out of the funds when the Dow Jones is at 7,000, then procrastinating and re-buying the funds when the Dow Jones is back up to 8,000," he says. Yet the switch could be made at any time, provided it happens before the funds are used. "You certainly want to be sure that the change is made before you withdraw the first dollar for the younger child's education," says Sivak. "You must be able to make a clear connection of the withdrawal for tax purposes." He says that while, "today many of us may not have a tax issue as the values have fallen below the total contributions thus far, that may not be the case 10 years from now." Posted March 6, 2009 What started out in late 2007 and early 2008 as concern for some parents and grandparents as they watched balances sink on their 529 college savings plans evolved into widespread panic by the end of 2008. "College funding and 529 plan anxiety ranks among the largest concerns of parents," says Brad Lazarus, who runs Chicago-based Omega Advisors, an hourly, as-needed financial planning firm. "Parents are extremely distressed by the crisis in the markets." It's no wonder: 529s typically comprise a significant percentage of a family's net worth. Adding to the angst: "Many people were trying to squeeze the last little bit of return on their money before selling off, even though college was next fall or a year away," says Ray Lucia, CFP, and host of a daily Business Talk Radio Network show. Could changing the beneficiary on a 529 plan be the answer? Those with leftover funds in a 529 after paying for a child's education rarely think twice about changing the beneficiary to avoid the tax consequences of cashing out the account. Making a younger child beneficiary of the 529 could provide time to recoup losses before spending that money. Lazarus says it's similar to pre-retirees delaying retirement day. "There aren't any costs or fees or tax consequences to change the beneficiary," says Robert Fierman, CFP, senior vice president of Raymond James & Associates. Some 529 plans do only allow one beneficiary switch per year, though. Considering a switch In Todd W. Sivak's experience as a CFP for Integrated Financial Solutions in Wisconsin, people view 529s, "as a means to help fund education for all of their children" and should understand going in that they have the flexibility to make a lateral beneficiary change to a younger sibling. Sivak knows of some parents considering paying out of pocket for their first child's education and allocating funds to the youngest child in order to "buy time" and hope for a value comeback. But considering isn't necessarily doing. "This is happening far less than one thinks simply because most parents try to treat their children equally and can't bring themselves to sacrifice one child's education for the sake of another," says Lee Rosenberg, CFP, co-founder of ARS Financial Services, based in Long Island, N. Y., and a blogger for "It's like taking bread out of one child's mouth to feed another. It may come up in conversation, but implementation is a very different matter." Still, it could be a good idea. "No one likes to work hard to save for a future goal only to see that investment account be reduced by 40 percent or more," says Sivak. "If they can delay withdrawing funds and give the account time to come back with the market, it's both a financial and mental win." The actual process for switching the designated beneficiary is simple as well, and can be done by completing a form on hard copy or online, says Joe Hurley, CPA, founder of In terms of qualifying for financial aid, he adds that switching to a younger sibling shouldn't make a difference under federal rules -- although it wouldn't hurt to check with the college if that decision has been made, "to see if (its) interpretation would allow the younger sib's 529 to be kept out of parent assets on the older sib's FAFSA." And as for the new beneficiary there's, "a rather extended list of who qualifies," says Fierman, citing not just siblings but also cousins, stepfathers, nieces, etc. The new beneficiary might also be a nonfamily member, but that switch could affect taxes. (If the account has no gains, the owner could avoid a 10 percent penalty as well as income tax consequences, he says). Cautions and drawbacks Sound like a plan? Not so fast, advisers say. "The fact remains that the financial markets are down nearly 50 percent from their highs," says Lazarus. So despite a beneficiary change, the shortfall in assets would still be there. Yes, the younger child would be in better shape, but then the parents are, "responsible for contributing more for the older child in a shorter period of time. It will create a strain on the finances, regardless of who the beneficiary is today. It is essentially switching dollars from your left hand to your right." Another reality, notes Steven J. Bloch, CFP, managing partner of California-based MHB Financial Group, is that switching beneficiaries at a time when the account has lost value can work against you, especially if you've chosen an age-based investment for the younger child. That "would actually expose you to a more equity-heavy portfolio, which is currently viewed as much riskier." Sivak points to a few "what-if's" as additional drawbacks. The new beneficiary may decide not to attend school, or may receive a scholarship and not "need" the funds. The rules of the game regarding 529s could also change and mean less flexibility or more negative tax implications. Don't forget, too, that tuition costs are rising, Sivak says, so the purchasing power of the account could be reduced (that's "could be" and not "would be" because the younger the new beneficiary, the more opportunity for growth that might offset the higher tuition). For those scared away from a beneficiary switch, there are other options: Take the loss: Sivak says this option is beginning to get the attention of those whose plan balances are underwater from the original contribution amounts. The remaining dollars can be invested outside of the 529 plan. Frank J. Ruffing, CFP, of Farragut Resources in Virginia, says closing the plan and booking the loss "as an itemized deduction on the owner's taxes is the most compelling solution" he's seeing. "For owners who funded the plans aggressively, for two kids, it meant a $90,000 write-off in one case I've seen." (Ruffing has generally been counseling clients to stop funding 529 plans and save outside.) For 529 plans funded by gifts from grandparents, Bloch says it's not uncommon to be considering putting the money from a 529 plan that's below principal into an investment that would protect the principal (provided a suitably "safe" investment doesn't exist within the plan), then when the market seems to be on the upswing, taking advantage of the five-year gift exception to pu t the money back into the plan. Wait for a market recovery: Fierman says this is the best strategy for when college is still a while off. Thomas Bates, CFP, owner of Thomas R. Bates, CFP, LLC in Ohio, has a similar recommendation, provided the first tuition payment is five years away or more. Bloch says one strategy that could potentially work here is to, "overfund an older child's account, gain the power of compounding, and shift a portion of the overfunding to the younger child before the eldest child begins college." It would be like getting a head start on the younger child's education fund, he says, adding that it's not simply the time horizon but the underlying investments in the account that will be a key to recouping losses. Use other assets for current college bills: Fierman suggests looking to CDs, bonds and money markets that have held up well to fund the first few years of expenses. "If college expenses are paid for now with other assets, the owner has until December of the next tax year to pull money out of the 529 to reimburse themselves. This at least gives almost two years for the account to begin to recover." The hope, then, would be that for the last few years of college the account funds could cover tuition expenses. Decision time Still thinking a beneficiary switch is the best option for your family, or that you may need to do it down the road? Lazarus advises parents to take advantage of the long-term lows in the market now. But the key is to immediately invest once the assets land in the new beneficiary's account. "The worst thing that can happen would be selling out of the funds when the Dow Jones is at 7,000, then procrastinating and re-buying the funds when the Dow Jones is back up to 8,000," he says. Yet the switch could be made at any time, provided it happens before the funds are used. "You certainly want to be sure that the change is made before you withdraw the first dollar for the younger child's education," says Sivak. "You must be able to make a clear connection of the withdrawal for tax purposes." He says that while, "today many of us may not have a tax issue as the values have fallen below the total contributions thus far, that may not be the case 10 years from now." Posted March 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Euthanasia in the Roman Catholic Church Faith and Tradition - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2457 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/06 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Topics: Euthanasia Essay Did you like this example? Brittany Maynard found out she was dying when she was twenty-nine years old. Newly married and full of life, Maynard learned that she had terminal brain cancer in January of 2014. In April, after multiple unsuccessful surgeries, she was given six months to live. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Euthanasia in the Roman Catholic Church Faith and Tradition" essay for you Create order She considered dying in hospice care, but balked at the image of her family surrounding her bedside, watching her die an agonizingly slow and painful death. Instead, Maynard and her husband moved to Oregon, where physician-assisted suicideâ€â€a specific type of euthanasiaâ€â€is legal. She chose to pass away in November of 2014 after taking the lethal prescription prescribed by her doctor (CNN 2014). This is the reality of euthanasia in the twenty-first century, although it has existed for thousands of years; throughout classical antiquity, euthanasia was a widely accepted practice. However, with the dawn of Christianity and Roman Catholicism, society’s view of euthanasia began to sour. While the Roman Catholic Church experienced the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and postmodernity, it remained steadfast in its condemnation of euthanasia. Only in recent yearsâ€â€notably the last two decadesâ€â€has euthanasia again began to gain widespread traction. Nevertheless, from a strictly Roman Catholic perspective, euthanasia is morally unacceptable regardless of the circumstances; the intentional death of any human being is sinful due to the Christian belief of God’s sovereignty, the Church’s teaching on suicide and homicide, and the Catholic philosophy of suffering. These beliefs, however, do not fully align with the shared reality and experienceâ€â€the sensus fideliumâ€â€of many church members, signalling a failure of reception. From an etymological standpoint, euthanasia has an extensive history. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word comes from the Greek eu-, meaning â€Å"well,†and thanatos, meaning â€Å"death.†The word first appeared in its anglicized form in 1646, and is currently defined as â€Å"a gentle and easy death†(OED n.1.). This definition, however, fails to acknowledge particular aspects of euthanasia that are essential in understanding its meaning today. The definition posed by the Euthanasia Society of America and set forth in The Morality of Mercy Killing, written by Reverend Joseph V. Sullivan and published in 1950, is more appropriately nuanced: â€Å"the termination of human life by painless means for the purpose of ending severe physical suffering†(3). This definition is preferred for two reasons. First, it emphasizes action; euthanasia is not just death itself, but the act that causes this death. The Roman Catholic Church does the same in its own definition of euthanasia: â€Å"mercy killing†(Sacred Congregation 6). Second, it clarifies the specific purpose of euthanasia, which is to end a patient’s pain and suffering. This comprehensive definition of euthanasia can be broken down further into various different subsets: voluntary, involuntary, passive, and active. An article from the database of the United States National Library of Medicine, titled Euthanasia: Right to Life vs. Right to Die, clearly defines these terms. The first two terms regard who consents to the procedure. Voluntary euthanasia is conducted with the patient’s consent, while involuntary euthanasia is conducted without. Involuntary euthanasia is only invoked when the patientâ€â€like someone in a comaâ€â€is completely and utterly incapable of making the decision themselves. The latter two terms, passive and active euthanasia, acknowledge how the procedure is actually accomplished. Passive euthanasia is carried out by withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatment from the patient, while active euthanasia is carried out by intentionally introducing a lethal force to end the patient’s life (Chaturvedi and Math 1). Active euthanasia can be broken down even further, and this distinction rests on who ultimately administers the lethal force. If the patient administers it themselves, they are performing physician-assisted suicide; if the doctor administers it to the patient, they are performing active euthanasia (Dixon 3). The concept of euthanasia is as old as the word itself. In A Merciful End: The Euthanasia Movement in Modern America, Ian Dowbiggin asserts that, in the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, â€Å"there was widespread support for voluntary death as opposed to prolonged agony†(3). In Greece, philosophers such as Plutarch, Plato, and Aristotle condonedâ€â€if not outright encouragedâ€â€the practice of euthanasia (Sullivan 7). Reverend Sullivan observes that â€Å"these men condemn suicide and homicide, and yet they view euthanasia as not only permissible but under certain circumstances as the ideal†(7). Like its Grecian counterpart, the Roman Empire’s attitude towards euthanasia was both reflected in and influenced by the writings of its moral philosophers. One such man, Seneca the Younger, explicitly advocates for euthanasia in his piece Epistulae morales LXX: If one death is accompanied by torture, and the other is simple and easy, why not snatch the latter? Just as I shall select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage so shall I choose my death when I am about to depart from life. Everyone ought to make his life acceptable to others besides himself, but his death to himself alone. (10) What Seneca and his Greek predecessors could not have predicted was the conception and subsequent domination of Christianity. This new religion believed in God’s absolute sovereignty over life and death. In the Old Testament, God declares, â€Å"It is I who put to death and I who give life†(Deut 32:39). Within this context, Seneca’s conviction that his death is â€Å"to himself alone†completely loses its accuracy; since God grants every man and woman the ability to live, it is only His to take away. This idea of God’s complete and utter sovereignty is reflected in the Statement on Euthanasia, issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in September of 1991. The document defines life as â€Å"a gift over which we have stewardship but not absolute dominion†(4). This distinction between stewardship and mastery is necessary. As stewards, humans act as attendants to their own bodies; they oversee the daily operations of life. Ho wever, God as master has the ultimate and final decision-making power. Thus, to kill someone is to blatantly â€Å"reject Gods sovereignty and loving plan†(Sacred Congregation 5). Through this understanding, euthanasia directly and blasphemously contradicts God’s will. Though Greek philosophers accepted euthanasia and denounced homicide and suicide, the Catholic Church makes no such distinction. Active euthanasia is immoral because it is considered suicide; passive euthanasia is immoral because it is considered homicide. In certain instances, the procedure could be considered both. Naturally, this contributes to the Church’s argument against euthanasia. Suicide in the Christian tradition dates back to the Old Testament, in which four peopleâ€â€Samson, Saul, Abimelech, and Achitephelâ€â€commit suicide without reprehension (16). Despite this neutral biblical background, the Church has a history of considering suicide to be one of the gravest sins an individual can commit. As Joseph Bayly explains, â€Å"at one time the church taught that suicide was the greatest sin, greater even than murder. The reason: there is no opportunity to repent afterward†(74). Repentance is a deeply fundamental aspect of Christianity; to die without i t is to risk the promise of eternal salvation. Homicide is far less complex than suicide. It is condemned outright in the Bible; to kill is to break one of the ten commandments, the most basic set of moral principles that humans must follow. The sole purpose of euthanasia, as previously determined, is to bring an end to a person’s intense physical suffering. The Church’s own definition of euthanasiaâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"mercy killing†â€â€implies a compassionate urge to release those suffering from their pain. However, the Catholic Church’s philosophy of suffering directly opposes this concept. Suffering is not meant to incite dread, and it should not be escaped; instead it symbolizes the devotion of an individual to God. As Pope John Paul II explains in Salvifici Doloris, to suffer is to share in Christ’s death and redemption (19). Jesus died a gruesome and painful death on the cross, and to suffer is to participate in this shared experience. As Reverend Sullivan explains, â€Å"we can never be like [God] in power or dignity. We can, however, become like him in our suffering. In other words, by suffering we become God-like†(75, 76). By participating in this practice of suffering, Ch ristians can understand the pain and sacrifice of our God. Ultimately, the church’s teaching is explicitly and unforgivingly clear in its condemnation of euthanasia as a â€Å"violation of the divine law, an offense against the dignity of the human person, a crime against life, and an attack on humanity†(Sacred Congregation 6). This teaching, however, fails to properly align with the lived experience of the laity. Movements to legalize euthanasia have been rapidly gaining momentum within the last twenty years, and this shift in perspective has manifested into approved ballot measures, court case victories, and effective state legislation. In 1994, Oregon became the first state to legalize some form of euthanasiaâ€â€in this case, physician-assisted suicideâ€â€by passing the Death with Dignity Act. It was implemented in 1997 (Oregon Department of Education 2018). Since then, Washington D.C. and six other statesâ€â€California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, and Washingtonâ€â€have followed suit. In 2017, a Gallup poll found that 73% of Americans support euthanasia, supporting the recent trend of legalization. This rate rose to 87% when focusing on people who rarely, if ever, attend church; it dropped to 55% when focusing on weekly churchgoers (Gallup 2017). This third figure is alarmingly high: over half of churchgoers disagree with the Church on an issue that the hierarchy deems irrefutable. To the Roman Catholic Church, euthanasia is not a controversy at all. The Church’s argument, as outlined above, relies on ancient scripture, papal and curial documents, centuries of established Christian values, and a milenia of tradition. Yet there still exists this massive inconsistency between doctrine and the shared belief of the laity. This discrepancy signals a failure of the hierarchy. The Church has a responsibility to listen to its lay people and discern the sensus fideliumâ€â€Latin for â€Å"the sense of the faithful†â€â€which means the â€Å"universal consent in matters of faith and morals†(CCC 28). The congregation shares in the authority of church beliefs as a collective body, because each individual participates and shares in the gift of life and faith. If half of this body is in contention with the other, there is no â€Å"universal consent,†and the teaching may need to be reevaluated. This dissonance could also signal an issue with reception, which goes hand-in-hand with the sensus fidelium. The church is obligated to communicate its teachings with its laity; a teaching has only been fully received when the entire church body accepts it, based on a common experience of faith in the Holy Spirit. If this common experience of faithâ€â€the sensus fideliumâ€â€is not achieved, full reception is impossible. With 55% of churchgoers disagreeing with the Church on euthanasia, it is safe to argue that the Church either failed to properly discern the sensus fidelium or failed to properly communicate its teaching and demonstrate its beneficiality. In the last century, the Church has made one significant adjustment to its doctrine regarding end-of-life care. This attempt toâ€â€partiallyâ€â€realign church doctrine with the laity’s sensus fidelium appears in the Declaration on Euthanasia. The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith declares: When inevitable death is imminent in spite of the means used, it is permitted in conscience to take the decision to refuse forms of treatment that would only secure a precarious and burdensome prolongation of life, so long as the normal care due to the sick person in similar cases is not interrupted. (8) While this situation could easily fall under the umbrella of euthanasia, the document is careful to differentiate between the two. Passive euthanasia is the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, some forms of which the church considers â€Å"normal care.†The situation laid out in the document only allows for the discontinuation of what Pope Francis defines as â€Å"overzealous treatment†or â€Å"disproportionate measures†(5, 8). Passive euthanasia is also explicitly intended to cause death; this proposed scenario is not explicitly meant to cause death, but rather to allow God’s plan to take its natural course. Subtleties aside, this is a progressive example of the Church’s ability to reframe its argument to better suit its laity, while still remaining true to its core values and beliefs. Euthanasia is a complex and multidimensional issue with a long and rocky history. Today the Church continues its tradition of rejecting euthanasia based on its belief in the absolute sovereignty of God, its views on suicide and homicide, and its philosophy of suffering. However, modern medicine and technology continue to rapidly improve. With these advancements come longer life expectancies; with longer life expectancies come higher rates of terminal and chronic diseases. As the public need and support grows stronger for euthanasia, the Church may need to redefine and reframe its argument to align more properly with the sensus fidelium, or find a way to more effectively communicate its current teaching. Regardless of what the church does, the secular world will continue to change and adapt around it, as it has for centuries. Brittany Maynard was a beautiful person who perfectly represents the average non-churchgoers attitude towards euthanasia. This is why stories like hers are essen tial in any discussion of euthanasia; they can help the Church strengthen their arguments, while simultaneously reminding the Roman Catholic Church that these are real people with real families, pain, hopes, dreams, and beliefs, religious or otherwise. Works Cited Amundsen, Darrel W., and Edward J. Larson. A Different Death: Euthanasia the Christian Tradition. InterVarsity Press, 1998.. Bayly, Joseph. The Last Thing We Talk About. David C. Cook Publ. Co., 1978. Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church: An Access Guide for Adult Discussion Groups. United States Catholic Conference, 1995. Chaturvedi, Santosh K., and Suresh B. Math. â€Å"Euthanasia: Right to Life vs. Right to Die.†National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2012. Dixon, Nicholas. â€Å"On the Difference between Physician-Assisted Suicide and Active Euthanasia.†The Hastings Center Report, vol. 28, no. 5, 1998, p. 25. Dowbiggin, Ian R. A Merciful End: the Euthanasia Movement in Modern America. Oxford University Press, 2003. Euthanasia Statement. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Catholic Conference, 1998. â€Å"Frequently Asked Questions.†Oregon Department of Education: 2018 Social Sciences Standards SBE First Reading Draft: Social Sciences: State of Oregon. Gallup, Inc. â€Å"Majority of Americans Remain Supportive of Euthanasia.†, 12 June 2017. Maynard, Brittany. â€Å"My Right to Death with Dignity at 29.†CNN, Cable News Network, 3 Nov. 2014. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2009. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World: Gaudium Et Spes. Catholic Truth Society, 2012. Paul, John. On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering: Salvifici Doloris. Pauline Books and Media, 2014. Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. â€Å"Declaration on Euthanasia.†Vatican, 5 May 1980. Sullivan, Joseph V. The Morality of Mercy Killing. The Newman Press, 1950. Print. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments. American Bible Society, 2000.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Food Inc When The Food Industry Keeps Their Farmers Under...
In the movie â€Å"Food Inc†we saw how the food industry keeps their farmers under their control. Food incorporation sets new protocols that require the farmers to keep purchasing more on dept. As a result of loans and only $18,000 annually (Kenner) they are stuck in a hole that they can’t get out of. I find many things disturbing about this. First off, I find it disturbing that he picked a poorly educated farming area. It seems obvious that the farmers don’t know what they got into and don’t have any knownldge of how to get out. I find it an example of poor unionization within the small farmers that are to be blamed not the ones that find out how to exploit it (Kenner). The movie went even deeper into the pocket of these corporations. We got to see who is really in the FDA. We soon found out previous CEO’s of food incorporation such as Tyson has taken control of the FDA board (Kenner). As a result, there wasn’t only a question of conflict o f interest. Further towards the end of the movie we see how a natural farm works. During which, we are told by the owner of the farm that the FDA attempted to shut them down due to the threat of possible contamination during the gutting process in the farm. Though the farm took action and made an independent study that showed their food was cleaner than the food industry. This is a great example of independence; just because we have one huge company that can do anything it doesn’t mean it more efficient or safer. Further into the movie weShow MoreRelatedMovie Review : Food, Inc.1655 Words  | 7 PagesDecember 2014 Film Guide Review Introduction 1. Give the name of film, producer and the year. The film I chose is titled Food, Inc. It was directed by Robert Kenner, and produced by Robert Kenner and Elise Pearlstein in 2008. 2. Why did you select this film for your review? 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In-N-Out Business Model and History Essay Sample free essay sample
In fast-food corporate America In-N-Out Burger has ever remained family-owned. It had no shareholders to react to and was able to put in keeping high criterions of quality. Unlike its rivals the concatenation. with 258 shops soon. is able to retain its changeless growing in gross revenues. even in times of recession. The company strongly believes in the importance of extremely motivated staff that identifies with the chain’s values and gives them the chance to progress. By supplying above-average rewards. societal benefits and other fringe benefits In-N-Out wages testimonial to the importance of their associates. The foundation of a company-owned university warrants extraordinarily-trained forces that internalizes the „customer is everythingâ€Å"-philosophy. The ain distribution system with private meatmans and warehouses ensures the alone quality and freshness of all merchandises. They are entirely delivered to shops in a 500 stat mis range to avoid the demand of stop deading the nutrient. All In-N-Out providers are chosen in a long-run process. We will write a custom essay sample on In-N-Out Business Model and History Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Shops are screaky clean. equipped with unfastened kitchens. where everything is made to order. In-N-Out‘s highly loyal client base appreciates the chain’s transparence. the menu‘s simpleness. the just monetary values and the employee’s friendliness. They spread their satisfaction via word-of-mouth. which saves particular selling schemes. An chance for the concatenation is the turning quality consciousness among the society. Peoples are willing to pay more for higher nutrient criterions. Since there is such a high demand for In-N-Out and the company’s net income is invariably increasing. the concatenation is in a perfect place to spread out. Although In-N-Out has a great market place. there however are certain shortages like the long waiting times and the deficiency of assortment in the bill of fare. Furthermore the chain’s rivals started to accommodate to the new criterion of quality. which is a large menace for In-N-Out. History:In-N-Out Burger was founded in 1948 by Harry and Esther Snyder. What started out as a bantam Burger hovel in the L. A. territory was turning to be a cultural establishment of Southern California. Harry Snyder was the first individual to come up with the thought of a drive-thru. where clients could order from a two manner talker box. In fast developing auto centered Southern California. it was the perfect clip and topographic point for a alone concern thought like that and Snyder’s thought caught on rapidly. From the really get downing the Snyders‘ doctrine „Do one thing A ; Make it the best you canâ€Å" proved to be the right scheme for them. Alternatively of concentrating on a assortment of Burgers. alterations in bill of fare and selling schemes. they put the accent on quality in every facet. It was neer the thought of Harry and Esther to spread out. but in order to give their loyal associates a opportunity to mount the calling ladder. they easy expand ed one shop after another. Franchising was neer a inquiry for the Snyders. since they were truly specific about remaining family-owned and command the quality of merchandises and service personally. The quality accent was so high that Harry hired the first private In-N-Out meatman in 1963. Whereas about every other fast-food concatenation has been passing every bit small money as possible on their merchandises in order to hold a higher income. which largely meant seting inexpensive nutrient additives to the ingredients. the Snyders didn’t follow the tendency but remained true to their values. By the clip of Harry Snyder‘s decease in 1976 there were merely 18 drive-thru locations. The company was able to stay family-owned due to the fact that the Snyders‘ boies learned the concern from their early childhood yearss. Rich. the youngest boy. took over the company after his pa had died. He stayed true to the family‘s values. but he started spread outing at a higher rate. Rich was the one to get down the In-N-Out â€Å"Universityâ€Å" as good. During his leading the company grew from 18 locations to 93 locations until he died in 1993. Guy Snyder. his older brother. was at that place go oning as the new Chairman of the Board. During his leading In-N-Out grew from 93 locations to 140. After his decease in 1999. his girl Linsey was able to take over the company and to prosecute the way taken by Harry many old ages ago.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
response paper 1 PHIL 1010 Essays - Philosophy, Articles, Assumption
Suppressing False Views and Mill's Liberty Principle Santiago Arango ID:0983059 Introduction to Philosophy 1010 Professor Bromhall October 14, 2018 Mill's harm principle states that the only actions that should be prevented are the ones that directly harm other people. The harm could be that it injures them physically, infringes on their natural rights, or sets back important interests that could benefit others. It means that as long you do not directly harm others or their rights-based interests you are free to do whatever it is you like. For example, drug addiction and suicide are things that would merely offend some people without directly harming them. An offense is something Mill would say hurt someone else's feelings' These are less serious, and you should not limit someone's freedoms over it. What may offend one person might not offend another person. A better example of this is saying you are going to kill yourself, only your loved ones and people who know you will be upset and offended but that does not mean every single human on earth will react the same way. I make a clear difference in harm' and offence' to proper ly clarify the principle. Mill justifies his harm principle by pointing out that suppressing people's views can lead to dead dogmas, false claims of infallibility, and the loss of partial truths.According to Mill's formulation of the Liberty Principle, it is morally impermissible to suppress false views because "we lose a way to challenge, reconsider, and perhaps reaffirm, our true views." By suppressing those opinions, you are no longer challenging the views that are held true. "However true it may be, if it is not fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed, it will be held as a dead dogma, not a living truth." A dead dogma is something that someone believes to be true but does not fully understand why. Censoring false views that would otherwise challenge the true views would cause harm to future generations of people as they would forget why they held those views to be true in the first place. The only argument they might come up with is "that's just how it's always been therefor e it must be true." It stops the view from being a living truth if it is not constantly challenged. Mill says, "we go to sleep at the post as soon as there is no enemy in the field." If the false views themselves are also not constantly challenged there is a chance that it will gain a popularity. A historical example of this is the Nazi party of Germany's racist ideas and antisemitism. If the government or state completely suppressed those views they might gain a following because people do not know why the views are being suppressed in the first place. Without an open discussion to continuously discredit the false views, people would no longer know why the views are false in the first place.As Wolff interprets Mill's view on knowing, "between our being certain of a view, and the view being certain. Not to recognize this is to assume infallibility." Mill is saying it is never ok to suggest that something is for certain. He uses the case of Socrates as examples of infallibility. He p erished in a society where it was assumed that the established traditions and laws could not be wrong. Socrates was tried by an honest Judge who was just doing his duties and acting in good faith. The point of the example is to show that humans can make massive errors and that we have no right to ever claim infallibility. Further examples that show this are how the earth was once thought to be flat or how Pluto was once considered a planet. There are many ideas we would recognize as being absurd today that were considered true in the past. Avoidance of infallibility is something that Mill would advocate because no view or idea can ever truly be for certain.As seen previously there can be false views that are true and the true views that are false. There is also the idea of partial truths which are statements containing some truths together with some falsehoods. There is a chance unpopular ideas and opinions might have some truths to
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